MELBOURNE – It wasn’t exactly roses and sunshine on the practice court for Marcos Baghdatis and his coach of seven months, Zeljko Krajan.
Not only were they bickering a lot, it was shocking to see Baghdatis in the flesh for the first time in a bit.
He looked positively gaunt – not sure the pics even do justice to it. His hair was lank. His face was drawn.
Now, the loss of weight isn’t a bad thing in principle; for awhile there, Baghdatis looked like he’d been doing a little bit of overindulging in the finest fare Cyprus and Greece can offer.

But it certainly seems as though he’s gone too far in the other direction. Maybe that’s why he was cranky – he was hungry.
Krajan has trimmed down as well. That, in combination with his Copenhagen hipster haircut and Mardy Fish sockettes, combine for quite a look.
Baghdatis is an extremely popular figure in Australia because of earlier results, and because half the Greek population in Melbourne seems to be related to him.
That’s why he gets an early evening (peak Fosters time) Margaret Court Arena assignment Monday against Denis Istomin, a first-round matchup between unseeded players that otherwise wouldn’t really rate any court in the single digits.
Let’s hope he has a good lunch. And that whatever his issues were with his coach were merely temporary.