February 2, 2025

Open Court


Nick Basing elected new ATP player representative

Brit Nick Basing has been elected to serve as one of the three ATP Tour player council representatives on the ATP Board,.

Basing’s three-year term begins in January.

He will replace another Brit, Alex Inglot, as the “European” region representative on the board.

There reportedly were more than 25 candidates for the position.

Basing, now 59, was an active seniors tennis player in his 40s.

He has an extensive CV, which notably includes seven years as a non-executive director at Wimbledon.

He also was chairman of a venture expanding a chain of soccer centres in the U.K. to the U.S. And he also was chairman of “Ten Entertainment Group”, comprised of 45 large urban family entertainment centres.

In the last few years, he has been involved with several private equity concerns.

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